The Well Watcher – December 2023

Winter Waves ???‍♀️

Dear Well Watchers,

Welcome to the December edition of The Well Watcher! We’re thrilled to immerse ourselves in our mission of empowering the next generation of students in the South Platte Watershed to protect and evolve our water resources. This issue is flowing with new information for you!

Splashes of Success ?

This past month, our team has been working hard to bring hands-on science to the students in the South Platte Watershed! Our slots are filling up for Spring 2024, and we are so excited to be in classrooms and out in nature to bring entertaining and informative water science. Thank you for joining us on this journey, and stay tuned for future updates on the amazing tides we’ll raise in our communities this school year!

Well Watchers Unite ?

TEACHERS! Your students can be part of this exciting and no-prep program! Bring real-world science into your classroom and allow them to explore our hydrosphere around and beneath us!

Together, we will make waves!

Water Wisdom ?

As we immerse ourselves in the festive spirit of December, let us discover how various cultures celebrate the season. Beyond the usual decorations and festivities, water plays a unique role in shaping holiday celebrations around the globe.

  1. Diwali (India):
    • In India, the festival of lights, Diwali, often involves cleaning and decorating homes. This includes a ritual bath called abhyang snan. Participants will wash in scented oils, and a natural scrub, then rinse it all with scented soapy water, symbolizing the cleansing of the body and soul.
  2. Las Posadas (Mexico):
    • In Mexico, Las Posadas involves reenacting Mary and Joseph’s search for a place to stay in the Christmas traditions. Water often plays an important role, as religious leaders will bless participating homes by sprinkling the doorways with Holy Water (water that has been blessed by a religious figure).
  3. Hanukkah (Judaism):
    • During Hanukkah, the Jewish Festival of Lights, the menorah (a seven-branched candelabrum) holds a special place. In some traditions, it’s customary to use pure water to wash hands before lighting the menorah, signifying purification and renewal.
  4. Winter Solstice (China):
    • Dongzhi, the Winter Solstice festival in China, is a time for family reunions. Tangyuan, sweet rice dumplings symbolizing family unity, are often prepared by families and enjoyed together in warm bowls of water.

These diverse traditions showcase how water, in various forms, becomes an integral part of December celebrations, symbolizing renewal, cleansing, and the start of a new chapter. As we celebrate this season, let’s appreciate the richness of cultural diversity and the refreshing ways in which water is woven into the fabric of holiday joy around the world.

As Well Watchers, let’s channel our efforts this December towards becoming renewers of water resources. Remember, in our festivities, every drop counts – let’s keep our energy flowing for generations to come!

Drawing hope from our wells,

The WWP Team

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