Well Watch Phases

The WWP operates in a consistent pattern at the start of every school year. Because we see a new group of students in each grade, we begin the introduction to the WWP from scratch. This introduction process unfolds in six phases.

Watershed Background

Image of Phase I

Phase I: Introduction to Water Resources

  • Students receive an introduction to the idea of groundwater, surface water, and their specific locations.
  • Students take a brief pre-assessment about water resources.

Phase II: Hydrogeology

  • Students are presented with a groundwater model, which includes explanations about the different layers and how they formed according to Colorado’s geological history
  • Students explore geological layers and their relationships with aquifers and surface water.
  • The discussion extends to the various uses of water in the local counties.
Image of Phase II

Water Quality Testing

Image of Phase III

Phase III – Water Testing Protocol

  • Students receive an introduction to their water testing site.
  • Students are educated about the equipment used for measuring water depth and the procedure for testing water from the site.

Phase IV – Water Quality Monitoring

  • Students receive instructions on why we use the LaMotte water test kits.
  • Student teams collaborate to share their findings regarding temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, nitrate, and phosphate levels.
  • Classes collaborate to find the relationship between their water quality and our communities.
Image of Phase IV

Student Action

Image of Phase V

Phase V – Green Initiatives

  • The data collected by students during their testing is subsequently entered into the WWP website database.
  • This information can be leveraged to generate more comprehensive questions about hydrology by drawing comparisons between their school and others.
  • These comparisons are used to guide students through projects about conservation and sustainability relevant to local water systems.

Phase VI – Watershed Partnerships

  • Students are connected to partner organizations to apply their ideas on water resource protection and water resource evolution.
  • Students take a post-assessment featuring the same questions as the pre-assessment.
  • Monthly well tests and data entry continue, conducted by students under the supervision of their teacher.
Image of Phase VI


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